Do NOT buy/copy/screenshot/use photos of anybody else or their dog/s.  

Travel photos are available for purchase and download.  They make great screen wallpapers and backgrounds.

Photos are provided for personal use only, not for commercial / 3rd party use.
Personal or any third party marketing logos are NOT to be added to photos after purchase as they breach copyright & photographer's contractual agreements.  

* * Don't forget to log back in and download digital photos after purchase. Orders are not normally emailed unless you have special requests * *


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By ticking this box prior to purchase, you confirm that understand and agree to comply with the following terms and conditions: Photos are supplied as user friendly .jpeg files on a limited non exclusive licence and full copyright is retained by the photographer under Australian Copyright Law. Photos are not to be purchased of other people's dogs without Ingrid Matschke's prior consent. The limited non exclusive licence means that the photos are for the subject's personal use and/or personal advertising only (eg. Dog News) and are not for third party, newspaper use or commercial use or distribution without permission in writing and pre-negotiated price, terms and conditions from Ingrid Matschke. Photos taken by Ingrid Matschke Photography may be used by at any time for our own advertising and promotional purposes and full copyright still applies to those photos regardless of where they are used/appear. Photos are not to be edited or altered in any way by anybody other than an editor approved by Ingrid Matschke. The signature and/or logo must remain legible on/with all photos and where this is not possible, the photographer MUST be credited for the photos. Your personal or any third party marketing logos are NOT to be added to photos after purchase as they may be in direct competition to contractual agreements between the photographer and the sponsor. It is illegal to take and/or use (download/steal/copy) Ingrid Matschke Photography photos, regardless of where they appear including but not limited to: mainstream media, elsewhere on the internet, Google Images, social media, via email, private message, printed publications or "screen shotting". Copyright ownership is embedded into the exif data of every photo and breaches of copyright are punishable by law.